CAF has conditionally approved the Cape Coast Sports Stadium as Ghana’s home venue for the upcoming 2022 FIFA World Cup qualifiers.
The Ghana Football Association submitted reports in videos, pictures and further justification on the Cape Coast Sports Stadium as the venue to host Ghana’s home games.
CAF in their response to the Ghana Football Association approved the venue but on a condition that some minor works are done before the commencement of the qualifiers.
“We would like to draw your attention to some of the comments and remarks in Annex A to be addressed in the coming period by your federation, in order to guarantee that the stadium is maintained in the list of CAF approved stadiums for Men’s Senior competitions,” part of the statement from CAF to the GFA stated.
CAF went on to state that “in case organizational and stadium technical infractions are verified during your upcoming international home matches, financial sanctions may incur on your federation as per the established CAF grid for lack of technical facilities in the stadium.”
The continental football body however praised the GFA for their contribution in helping raise the standards of football on the African continent.
“We appreciate your contribution in helping us raise the level of African football with improved facilities as we continue to gain exposure to a global audience,” they concluded in their statement.
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