In partial fulfilment of his solemn promise to provide full-time jobs to the products of Kessben University College, the Founder and sole Financier of the College, Mr. Stephen Boateng, has provided over one hundred and twenty (120) graduates with full-time jobs.
These B.Sc. and Diploma graduates of Kessben University College were fully placed in the various subsidiaries within the Group, including Multicredit, Kessben Media, Kessben Travel and Tours, Kessben Shipping and Forwarding, Kessben University College, Kessben Real Estates, etc. Speaking at the 3rd Graduation, Mr. Stephen Boateng, the CEO of Kessben Group of Companies, expressed his heartfelt satisfaction for being able to fulfil such a promise, especially as his contribution to the socio-economic development of the country.
He also indicated his pleasure at the overall job performance of the well-rounded graduates from Kessben University College.
He further assured that he would continue to support the government by curbing the graduate unemployment menace by providing sustainable and befitting job opportunities to the prospective graduates of KUC.
Source: Kessbenuniversitynews / Nana Kwame Akatii

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