Two hundred and sixty-three ( 263) people have lost their lives in road crashes in the month of April alone.
This is according to the latest statistics released by the Motor Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD) of the Ghana Police Service.
The figure represents a marginal increase in the number of deaths each month, since the beginning of the year.
The total number of fatalities on the road between January and April this year is therefore 1,034.
Also, 5,668 persons have been maimed as a result of road accidents in the first quarter of 2021.
The Director of Operations at MTTD, Dr Samuel Sasu Mensah, in an interview with JoyNews said “road traffic accidents have been increasing at a fast rate. When we review the statistics, things are not looking good at all.”
“We have enforced the laws, carried out public education and awareness creation, but it doesn’t seem to be changing anything,” he said.

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