Article: Rejecting Bawumia As Flagbearer Means NPP Hates Northerners – Part 1 & 2

Rejecting Bawumia as flagbearer means NPP hates Northerners. Bugri Naabu.
One Bugri Naabu, an ex-Chairman of NPP in the Northern region made the above statement among other very serious effusions.
Ordinarily, I don’t concern myself with internal matters of the NPP and NDC. They lack physical beauty, moral beauty, and intellectual beauty. They represent darkness and nothing else.
I’m responding to this particular guy because Northern politicians like singing this hymn too much. Reckless Mahama has made several similar statements and so has Delirious Bawumia. Somebody has to set the records straight, and I, Nii Amu Darko have volunteered to do so. The Osu sea may decide to burn. Hehehe.
Before I proceed, I will like to summarize the points raised by Naabu if Bawumia is not elected as flagbearer.
1. Confirm the perception that they can only play 2nd fiddle
2. If the Ashantis reject him, then we’re not together
3. Then NPP hates Northerners
4. Insulting to say, Northerners are only good for Vice
5. Busia/Dombo, Owusu/Tolon-Na, Kufuor/Aliu. Aliu didn’t get it. Northerners got to learn sense if Bawumia doesn’t get it.
6. How many Northerners have become Presidents?
7. Bawumia must win BECAUSE HE’S A NORTHERNER.
I will devote Part 1 to basic facts and history.
1. The total population of the North is about 18% of Ghana’s
2. The latest tax card from GRA showed that the North contributed only 0.38% of domestic tax revenue
3. According to GLSS 7 (2012-2017 essentially under Mahama’s rule) consumption growth in the North and Volta was ZERO. The indices for poverty and extreme poverty in the North led  Upper West are totally unacceptable. Does Naabu care?
So, we’re talking of an absolute demographic minority block with very little input into the national economy. OK. Yet, in this 4th Republic, apart from Rawlings, every government has had a President or Vice- President from the North. No numerical and economic minority like the North has had this privilege anywhere in the world. I am saying, the North is the luckiest pan-minority block in the whole wide world. They must be very grateful.
4. The freest and fairest post colonial elections in Ghana was held in 1979. Limann won the 2nd round with 62%. Nobody has even crossed 60% in any free elections in Ghana. Nkrumah at his peak in 1956 got 57%. Even with all the support of Afrifa, Busia got 58% in 1969. Rawlings with absolute control over the state managed only 58% in 1992. In 2nd round with Mills in 2000, Kufuor managed only 56%, and Mills against Akufo-Addo in 2008 got a very skinny 50.03%. These were all known and seasoned politicians for years. Completely unknown Limann came and he got 62%. This could happen only in Ghana where some of us have conscience. The same conscience that made Gamɛi vote massively for Nkrumah against their “own” physician Dr. H.H Bannerman and lawyer Obetsebi-Lamptey in 1951. When you know these facts and hear people like Naabu talk the way he talked, you ask yourself very serious questions. What the hell is going on in the heads of some people? The darkness is way too much.
Let me continue.
Ghana is a unique country – the only one with a NORTH and No SOUTH.
How did the North concept evolve or develop?
1. The British governed over broadly over 4 areas:
a. The colony (Western, Central, GA & Eastern regions)
b. Transvolta Togoland (Volta region & bits of NR)
c. Ashanti (Ashanti & BA)
d. The NORTHERN territories (NR, UE & UW) – the only place originally named geographically.
(I don’t recognize Akufo-Addo’s 6 tribal enclaves).
People from the Northern territories became known as Northerners.
In 1947 – Paa Grant, Danquah & others formed UGCC as a national movement.
In 1949 – Nkrumah, Gbedemah & others formed CPP also as a national movement.
In 1954, Dombo, Braimah & others formed the 1st regional party Northern People’s Party. So, out of the geographical North, a political North was created. The motto of the NPP was “together we stand.” A political “tribe” has been formed.
Economically and developmemtally the North was poorer and lagged behind Ashanti and the Colony. Majority of the 20% or so Muslims in Ghana came from the North. The mixture of these factors created social differentiation between Northerners and those in Ashanti and the Colony. This differentiation led to social stigmatization and some level of discrimination which in turn fostered a greater sense of solidarity among the different groups in the North. I mean the political and the social economic narrative took precedence over the ethnic dimension, and everybody just became a Northerner with all its derogatory connotations. The non-Northerners do not generally see tribes when it comes to the North. They see Northerners.
Ewes from Transvolta suffered a similar but less acute stigmatization and discrimination as the Northerners. Awoonor in his book, “The Ghana Revolution” tried to explain the basis of the so-called Ewe solidarity along these lines, but the usual dead brains, lacking moral and intellectual beautys attacked the old boy 24/7.
Nothing has changed in 2 generations post colonial rule. Like I said above, the GLSS 7 stated clearly that there was no consumption growth in the North and Volta. This is a national crises that should be the front and centre of Northern and Voltarian politics. But do they care? In fact, do they know what I am talking about?
Let me continue.
For this social differentiation, Dombo and his friends did not want to be part of independent Ghana. They were scared of the consequences of “forced integration” with Ashanti and the Colony. The colonial government advised them “perish that thought. You could not survive. Wise Dombo and his team then dropped the idea and adopted federalism as their political goal. In my opinion, they were right. Federalism remains the best option for the North, and indeed the whole of Ghana.
With the background I have shared above, men of goodwill did everything possible to make the integration as seamless as possible. Nkrumah’s free education for the North at the expense of the cocoa farmer was one of such “bridging the gap” policies. Now, you understand why the ARM’s motto is Bridging the Gap, don’t you? Political representation from the North was made to be greater than its fair share per population. It has remained so till date. The problem is that after two generations post independence, the generosity of the rest of Ghana has morphed into Northern entitlement. The political elite from the North feels so entitled you begin to ask yourself very hard questions.
I am not dealing with Naabu here. I am dealing with the general mindset of the Northern elite. When the new Chief Justice was appointed, one guy actually posted on Facebook that after 66years of independence, the North has not had a CJ yet. Brothers and sisters, it crossed a human mind that in a country like Ghana, it was fair and appropriate to have the Vice-President, the Speaker of Parliament, and the Chief Justice from 18% of the population and a very fringe participant in the economy. I could not believe this thoughtlessness. I was not surprised though. Until Nketia’s coup in the NDC, Mahama was the leader, Bagbin was the Speaker, Iddrisu was the Minority leader, and Muntaka was the Chief Whip. Just unbelievable. Even before that, in 2012, of the 5 parties that took part in the elections, 3 were led by Northerners and one had a Northerner as the running mate. It was only Nduom who did not have a Northerner on his ticket. A casual observer would think 60% of Ghanaians were Ghanaians and the economy was controlled by Northerners.
Now, are you surprised that Naabu believes the two status quo parties should be led by Northerners. I mean if these guys were Newton and Einstein we might look the other way but here we are dealing with two of the worst three political leaders in our history: Mahama and Bawumia, with the 3rd, Akufo-Addo cheering the latter. Jesus Christ, how did we get here?
Let me stop here. I shall return. Part 2 to follow.
Rejecting Bawumia as flagbearer means NPP hates Northerners. Part 2
Replace your Malignant Entitlement Syndrome (nMES) with Major Economic Salvation (mMES).
Those who have been following me for sometime now know that in 2014, I wrote some series on Facebook, titled “The North’s Problem. I did the same for ” The Accra Problem, the Ewe Problem and the Ashanti Problem.” No fear for anybody.
I wrote about 12 000 words for the North’s Problem and about 5 000 for the Ewe Problem largely based on the GLSS 6 (2008-13). When the GLSS 7 was released in 2018, I announced that I was going to update my figures and write a book, “The last shall be the first – Major economic salvation for the North and Volta.”
I haven’t completely updated my figures. Too busy with work and other issues. Some comments from both the NDC and NPP in recent days are so frightening that if care isn’t taken, this whole country may be turned into an asylum.
Today, I’m going to tel! Northern politicians to replace their MES with my MES if they love their people and about them. Milking the misery of their people for political gain is callous, wicked, and totally unacceptable.
OK. Let’s start.
1. Fertility rate. This is a strong social indicator of economic development. The relationship is an inverse one. The higher the rate, the lower the development and vice versa.
The country with the highest FR in the world is Niger at 6.6 followed by Somalia at 5.7 and Mali/DR Congo at 5.5
The average for sub-sahara Africa is 4.6, the highest region in the world.
Of the top 50 countries in the world only 4 aren’t African
* Solomon Islands
* Israel
* Afghanistan
* Pakistan
Ghana is 3.7 at the end of 2022
In 1960, Ghana was 6.8
At the extremes in Ghana, Greater Accra is 2.4 and Northern region is 6.8. I don’t have latest figures for UE & UW but they’ve always been in the same vicinity as NR.
Isolating NR and placing it on the world “map” makes it world #1 ahead of Niger.
If Yaa has 2 children in Accra and Abiba 7 in the North, all things being equal, what are the chances of Abiba’s children bridging the gap?
I know the Kokompe intellectuals from the North spew the feel-good colonial neglect as the basis of their poverty. Nothing is further from the truth.
The North became part of the colony in January 1902, the same day as Ashanti, and sincerely formal colonization ended in 1952 when Nkrumah became Prime Minister and the transition to independence began. So, is the North blaming 50years of colonization for its poverty, 66years after independence? What did the colonizers do for any region, that they didn’t do for the North.
After 113years of protectorate and colony, the colonizers built only ONE secondary school, Achimota in Accra but for the whole of Ghana. There was no time that indigenes of Accra formed the majority in the school. Everybody including Northerners were there. The colonizers also built only one university college again in Legon, Accra but for the whole Ghana. At no point did the indigenes of Accra form the majority of students at Legon. Everybody was there including Northerners. What should the colonizers have done for the North? People shouldn’t forget that, La Mantse, Adjei Onanor gave the land for Legon, and Asantehene Prempeh II gave the seed money of £30 000 (or £300 000 I can’t remember).Yes, the colonizers wanted a “deposit” and the great and patriotic king organized his cocoa farmers to do the nation proud. Nobody talks about the King. Nobody says this simple truth. Things don’t fall from heaven, OK. It takes money, common sense and dedication to make things happen.
Legon is a representation of the Ghana we live in – built with Ashanti money on Ga land. Combining Nkrumah and Arthur Lewis words, 72% of Ghana’s foreign exchange at independence came from Ashanti. Those of you who always want to make Ashanti your punching bag must know this. From free education to scholarships all came mainly from Ashanti cocoa. Learn to be grateful OK. It pays to be so.
FYI, Nkrumah in all his glory from1952-66 built only 3 secondary schools in Greater Accra: Accra Girls, Labone, and Tema. Maybe 80% of secondary schools were built by private individuals and 20% by churches. Kwei Nungua, an illiterate trotro driver built Nungua secondary. Rev. Osabutey built my Ghanata in Dodowa, and then started Ada secondary in his hometown. One man 2 schools. What stopped the same thing from happening in the North? I’ll be happy to know that Bawumia’s father built even a primary school for his people whom he claimed to represent before sending his son to England for university education. I hear the son has even “denied” this investment of his father. There wasn’t a single 6th school in Dangmeland. A poor Dangme who couldn’t afford boarding 6th form had to end his education. That’s what happened to my friend Ataa Narh. He got 13 at O level from “village” school Ghanata as a day school. He couldn’t afford boarding 6th form. If he was a Northerner, he would have been in medical school. Nobody complains because we accept the big picture and some of us want to do even more to bridge the gap, but it’s disgusting when some people talk as if they own this country or this country owes them a special favour. They got to be stopped.
Poverty in the North has absolutely nothing to do with colonial neglect. After 70years of free education, Northern region has the highest fertility rate in the world 6.8, ahead of Niger’s 6.6. Education hasn’t bridged the gap, the national average is 3.7. The cause is clear: failed leadership. Mahama, Bawumia, Bagbin, Sakara, Iddrisu and the whole lot don’t know their responsibility to the people they claim to represent. They only know, power to me otherwise, you hate my people. Disgusting. Utterly disgusting.
The last time Ghana’s fertility rate was 6.8 was in 1960. NR is 2 generations behind the rest of Ghana.
Let me continue: Poverty and extreme poverty
This is based on Ghana Living Standard Survey 6 released in 2014
Poverty – income below Ghc 1314 per adult per year
National Average 24.2%
UW 70.7%
NR 50.4%
UE 44.4%
TN 48.7% for 17% of the population
With a population of 17% or 1/6 of national population, total North TN claimed 48.7% of national poverty 2x the national average. 17% carried almost half of all poverty defined as an income less than Ghc 1314 per adult per year.
Extreme Poverty income less than Ghc 792.05/adult/year
National Average 8.4%
UW 45.1%
NR 22.8%
UE 21.3%
TN 62.7% for 17% of population. Of all the extremely poor people in Ghana, 62.7% are found in the North with a population of 17%. 45.1% of all residents in UW are extremely poor. If you take the North out, the rate of extreme poverty for the rest of the nation drops from 8.4 to 3.2%. Further extrapolation will show you that, with a population of 2.8% of national population, the UW carries 31.7% of national extreme poverty. Almost 1/3 of all extremely poor Ghanaians live in UW, the tinniest region of all.
Need I say more? Where are Northern politicians who love their people so much that if you don’t vote for one of them, then you hate their people? I want to see them.
I wrote my article “The North’s Problem” in 2014 when the results of the GLSS were released. Mahama was then the President. He has never ever mentioned this data before. He has no interest in his own people. GLSS 7 was released in April 2018, I wrote an article on that one too. Extreme poverty had increased in UW. Bawumia, like Mahama before him hasn’t said a word till date. He doesn’t care about his people.
I remember very well when I wrote this article, the North’s problem in 2014, one guy, Ayelam from the Navrongo area then studying in the UK wrote to me: Nii, thank you so much for this information. The North is in crisis. Whenever you decide to stand in Ghana, I’ll take one year off to come and campaign for you.
I say once again, thank you Ayelam. I don’t even know where you are now. Lol.
Let me continue: Human development index 2021
I don’t have the figures for GLSS 7 at my fingertips but what I remember clearly is the statement that, there was ZERO consumption growth in the North and Volta in the inter-survey period of 2013-2017 (basically the Mahama period). It was a completely flat tyre for the NDC dominated regions. It’s a real shame, isn’t it?
The human development index HDI. Please, google what it means.
1. Greater Accra
7. Volta
8. UE
9. UW
10. NR
Easily predictable.
Highest fertility rates, highest poverty rates, and lowest human development index unfortunately define the North. When the poorest decides to have children 3x more than the well to do, an exponential vicious cycle sets off, in no time, the poor becomes extremely poor and poverty becomes organically endemic and entrenched.
It beggars belief that Northern politicians will walk past this catastrophe and blackmail others to vote for one of them who has created his prosperity at the expense of the wretchedness of his own people. If they don’t vote that way, then they hate their people. What fine brain would conceive and conjure such beautiful catechism? Amazing mind in an amazing man!
Ayi Kwei Armah said, “young people in Africa today have a choice, whether to be successful in the eyes of their families, in the eyes of the people around them, admired, and envied by the existing system or TO CHANGE SOCIETY. At the most profound level, these two pathways of achievement HAVE ALWAYS BEEN MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE.”
In 2024, the young people of the North like rest of Ghana, will have a choice: a contest of Partisan Ugliness, Ethnic Ugliness, and Religious Ugliness vs Physical Beauty, Moral Beauty, and Intellectual Beauty. It’s a choice they’ll have to make. I won’t beg them to choose the three radiant beautys over the three blinding Ugliness . I won’t beg them to choose light over darkness. Northerners will have to decide whether they want the gap to be bridged or not. It’s their call.
My advice to the political leaders of the North is to replace their Malignant Entitlement Syndrome (nMES) with Major Economic Salvation (mMES).
Tswa omanye aba
Nii Amu Darko
President, ARM
27th June 2023.




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