Home / POLITICS / Allied Health Interns Threaten Demo Over Unpaid Allowances

Allied Health Interns Threaten Demo Over Unpaid Allowances

The Coalition of Unpaid Allied Health Interns is threatening to embark on a peaceful demonstration over unpaid stipends for the past eleven (11) months.

The group says they are overwhelmed at the challenges facing the interns as a result of unpaid allowances.


In a statement, the executives of the group said they equally share the sentiments/bruises of our colleagues whose restless efforts to get our bulk arrears paid seemingly becoming difficult.

“Coalition of Unpaid Allied Health Interns 2021/2022 seeks to apprise Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance of the grave conditions that interns are faced with as a results of unpaid stipends for the past eleven (11) months. Notwithstanding the ongoing stern arrangement aimed at the most-anticipated higher goal of serving our nation.”


“CUAHIs is overwhelmed at the challenges facing the interns as a results of unpaid allowances. We are resorting to the ambit of the two ministries to give us a clear timeline for the process involved in getting us our allowance will be done, in that there is an unbearable pressure from interns inquiring about the actualities surrounding the unusual delay.”


“CUAHIs is petitioning stakeholders to exhume the residue of arrears engulfed the scheme so that no hard working Trainee will leave the program being filled with agony and resentments,” a statement from the group said.


President for the Coalition of Unpaid Allied Health Interns, Fredrick Adjei stated that the National service is a mandatory service every graduate is to undertake after completing tertiary education to aid in practicing what we learnt in our various schools.


He called on the Ministry of Health and the Ghana Health Service to expedite the payment of the allowances at the earliest possible time.

He revealed that if the allowance delay further, the group will be left with no option than to embark on a peaceful demonstration to register their grievances.






Read the full statement below:



May be an image of text that says 'COALITION OF UNPAID ALLIED HEALTHINTERNS number date this letter should quoted EC0A1/01/22 For Immediate Release AUGUST5,2 2022 Unpaid Allied Health inance seeks apprise Ministry higher Health serving othe interns give done, results unpaid difficult. inquiring our days, CUAHIs petitionin hard working Trainee the explanation the publc the following factors Thousand Allied draw the service Interns no been released. tertiary register welfare on time CUAHIs communique urges other Thank Yours your time. Allied Health Interns cautious graduates and never colleagues build Cheap popularity. Service SIGNED BY FREDERIÇK ADJEI (PRESIDENT +233540405880 NANA YAW GYASI SECREVARY TEL:+233595337100'









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Source: DGN Online





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