The Ministry of Energy has hinted of another load shedding timetable to be made available by the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) after one was released for customers in north-eastern Accra.
In a statement released on Thursday, April 29 in response to a press conference by the Minority in Parliament, the Energy Ministry admitted intermittent power outages since the start of the year as a result of work on some key plants.
The Minority had accused the government of politicizing the issues and stopping the ECG from issuing a nationwide load shedding timetable.
But the Ministry insisted: “For the record, there has been no nationwide load shedding in the country, neither has there been an attempt to embark on one because there is no need to.”
The Ministry admitted that some of the projects ongoing in Accra and Kasoa will require outages for some days.
“The Pokuase timetable is out, starting from May 10 to May 17th 2021.
“That of Kasoa is yet to be published, and shall be released at the approp
riate time when the necessary arrangements and consultations have taken place.”
The Ministry clarified that the only reason the outages are being carried out is to allow for the contractors to tie in their works into the existing transmission lines.
So far, the Pokuase Bulk Supply Point (BSP) is 95 percent complete and expected to be handed over to government in July.
The Kasoa Bulk Supply Point is expected to be ready by end of August.
By September, the Tema to Achimota Line Rehabilitation is expected to be completed.
“Government appreciates the patience of affected Ghanaians and respectfully craves their forbearance as these necessary works are undertaken in order to achieve their objective.”
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