EC’s Lawyer Moves To Close Case Without Jean Mensa Being Cross-Examined

Lawyer for the Electoral Commission (EC) Justin Amenuvor on Monday February 8 moved to close his case in the ongoing election petition hearing after the cross examination of the third witness of the petitioner, Rojo Mettle Nunoo.

Mr Amenuvor told the court that given the evidence of the petitioner’s witnesses who were crossed examined in the case, they do not want to lead any further evidence.

“Given the evidence of the petitioner’s witnesses under cross examination so far, of those witnesses, speaking for the 1st respondent, it is the 1st respondent’s case that we do not wish to lead any further evidence and therefore we are praying that this matter proceeds under Oder 36 Rule 43 and CI 87 rule 3 (e) 5, we hereby and on that basis close our case.”

Lead Counsel for the petitioner, Tsatsu Tsikata however objected to the move by lawyer for the 1st Respondent.

“Both of you can come and address to us on this matter tomorrow and we can rule on this matter,” the Chief Justice Kwesi Anin Yeboah said after hearting the initial argument.

Hearing has been adjourned to Tuesday February 8 ” for legal argument,” the Chief Justice said


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