Member of Parliament for Jirapa Constituency Cletus Seidu Dapilah has pledged to sponsor Alex Kontondaba Lieyuor, a very brilliant but needy student who hails from the constituency but now serving on different farms as a result of failure to get money to pay his admission fees for Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST).
In less than 4 hours after publication by 3news, many philanthropists pledged to sponsor the Overall Best JHS Student of Jirapa in 2016 to continue his university education.

Notable among these philanthropists is the Member of Parliament for Jirapa, Cletus Seidu Dapila, who took to Facebook to confirm his assistance to Master Lieyuor.
Mr Seidu Dapila said he has provided money for the Lawra SHS graduate to apply to KNUST and the University of Ghana for any course of his choice for him to sponsor as MP for the area.
He also indicated that an arrangement is being made for Alex to teach at his former JHS at Yagha to be paid by the MP while he waits for his admissions.
Read the post of the MP on facebook page below:
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