Scores of youth have massed up at the Youth Employment Agency (YEA) Job Fair in search of jobs from several employers.
The youth, numbering over 1,000, were seen standing in long queues at the Accra International Conference Centre, with many of them struggling to enter the building to secure jobs with companies.
The primary objective of the YEA Job Fair is to provide opportunities for job seekers to go through live interview sessions to get employed by the participating companies from the private sector.
Some of the job seekers spoke to Citi News.
One of them said, “I was here as early as 8:00am, and it’s almost 1:00pm. The experience has been very tough because there is no organization at the place, and we are all just here rushing in and coming out.”
“I got here around 9:30 am and it is almost 1:00pm. When we got here, we were asked to do registration, but things are not working here. It is now left to who is strong that can enter,” another also said.
The various security agencies have recently begun processes to enlist more persons.
Thousands of Ghanaian youth thronged the El Wak Sports Stadium in Accra to participate in a documentation and medical screening process for recruitment into the Ghana Armed Forces.
However, this has been the trend for some years now, depicting the growing levels of youth unemployment in the country.
From as early as 4:00am, applicants started a queue that stretched for over four kilometres.
This was after the announcement from the Ghana Armed Forces informing the public of the commencement of a recruitment exercise back in May.
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