Care for Free and Fair Elections Ghana (CARE GHANA) is calling on Parliament to invite the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC), Mrs. Jean Mensa, to respond to alleged abuse of power, arbitrary behavior and unconstitutional conduct in the 2020 elections.
The pressure group believes Parliament is clothed with the requisite powers to monitor and review actions of government institutions including the EC.
“The lack of accountability by the EC does not instill hope, rather, it creates an impression of an effort to shade the truth,” it said in a statement issued by Executive Director David Kumi Addo on Thursday, September 23.
“Before and after the 2020 elections, several allegations and accusations were leveled against the EC Chairperson and the Electoral Commission that required some explanation from the EC,” it observed.
Mr Kumi Addo, in the statement, cited how the transfer of votes by the EC began at a different time than was advertised and how gerrymandering might have played out in the inability of the people of Santrokofi, Akpafu, Lolobi and Likpe (SALL) to vote in the elections.
“The absence of responses to such allegations invariably leads to the suspicion that fraudulent activities had taken place in the just ended elections.”
CARE GHANA insinuates that events in Guinea and Mali should guide Parliament to immediately call the EC Chairperson to respond to the allegations.
“It’s in Parliament’s interest to ensure that alleged breaches of electoral laws, rules and code of conduct are discouraged to ensure a fair and level playing field for all political parties.”
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