Two men of Fulani extraction have been arrested by the Ejura District Police for allegedly butchering an 82 year old man to death in his room.
The two accused persons are Sulley Amadu, 25 and Karim Salifu,35, who are suspected to have killed the 82 year old farmer.
On Monday 3rd May,2021 one Kwame Ofori reported to the Ejura Police that he found his brother, Kofi Mensah aged 82 dead in his room in a pool of blood at his cottage near Broadcasting in Ejura.
According to the Police when they visited the crime scene they saw the deceased dead and lying in a supine position covered with pieces of clothes, mat, torn sack and a car tyre.
The Police also found deep cut on the head of the deceased and suspected foul play as they also saw pieces of broken sticks and a cutlass at the crime scene.
They also realized that the deceased, a farmer was into fowl rearing and that all his fowls were missing raising alarm.
On that same day the Police arrested the two men Sulley Amadu and Karim Salifu in possession six fowls and when they were questioned they could not get any proper explanation as to how they obtained the fowls.
Upon interrogation, the pair admitted going to the cottage of the deceased to steal his fowls but revealed that Sulley Amadu slashed the head of the deceased with a cutlass killing him instantly as he struggled with them when they went to steal his fowls.
The body of the deceased has been deposited at the Ejura Government Hospital morgue for preservation and autopsy.
Meanwhile the Police are set to process the accused persons to court.
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