The Law Faculty of the University of Professional Studies, Accra, (UPSA) Saturday, December 18, afternoon canceled a paper in their ongoing end of semester examination due to suspected cases of Covid-19.
Level 400 students of the faculty started their end of semester examinations on Monday, December 13 and were scheduled to write Jurisprudence today Saturday at 2pm.
However, before the commencement of the paper, students had reports from their leaders that some of their colleagues reportedly tested positive for Covid-19.
This raised some level of apprehension among the students who asked their leaders to negotiate with the administration to move the paper online but that agreement was not immediately reached with management of the faculty before 2pm.
At 2pm, the students grudgingly headed for the examination hall but were told to hold on for a more spacious hall to be prepared for them.
While waiting, the officer in-charge of the faculty came to announce that the paper has been cancelled and the further details will be communicated to them.
It is not yet clear how the rest of the three papers are going to be written but it is expected that a communiqué from the faculty will clarify all that.

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