Eastern Regional Hospital Alarmed Over Increasing Kidney And Cancer Cases

Management of Eastern Regional Hospital has expressed worry over the increasing cases of cancer and kidney and other diseases of lifestyle in the region. Breast cancer was the topmost cancer case recorded at the facility last year

A total of 265 breast cancer cases representing 44% were recorded during the year under review while 74 prostate cancer cases were recorded representing 12%. Other cancer cases that increased included cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and others.

The cases, according to the hospital, are alarming compared to previous years. The Medical Director of the Eastern Regional Hospital, Dr Arko Akoto Ampaw, said in terms of kidney disease, the cases are similarly rising every month. He said 43 acute cases were referred from the wards for renal dialysis service.





As of December 2021, the newly established renal dialysis center at the hospital had 20 regular and five irregular clients.

Dr. Ampaw urged residents to live a healthy lifestyle and regularly screen for cancers for early detection.

The Eastern Regional Hospital is a referral facility in the region .Out patients Department Attendance (OPD) rose from 232,485 in 2020 to 264,640 in 2021 representing 13.8% increase. Admissions rose from 21,396 in 2020 to 24,713 in 2021.

The hospital, however, recorded 1,694 deaths in 2021 compared to 1,808 in 2020 representing a 6.7% decline. Maternal Mortality and neonatal mortality have been decreased by 50% and 10.7% respectively.



The Medical Director of the Eastern Regional Hospital Dr. Arkoh Akoto Ampaw said stroke, diabetes, hypertension are the top causes of death at the facility

The Medical Director of the Eastern Regional Hospital Dr. Ampaw explained that “the top causes of mortalities remain lifestyle diseases so the stroke, diabetes, hypertension are still very high on the agenda and then also a few communicable diseases like HIV still featured in there.”




Meanwhile, the hospital has opened to the public a dialysis center.

The dialysis center, which is the first of a kind in the Eastern Region, will serve the over three million population of the region.

The establishment of the center is timely due to increasing cases of kidney diseases in the region in recent times.

The kidneys are critical organs in human bodies, removing waste and excess water and controlling the acidity balance in the blood.

Commissioning the centre, the Eastern regional minister, Seth Kwame Acheampong, commended the family of Dr Fredua Agyemang Ofori Atta for donating the equipment. He was hopeful; the dialysis center would help save the lives of kidney patients in the region.

Some kidney patients and family members were elated about the new facility.
















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