Home / EDUCATION / No End-Of-Term Exams For Pupils From KG To JHS – GES To School Authorities

No End-Of-Term Exams For Pupils From KG To JHS – GES To School Authorities

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The Ghana Education Service (GES) has directed school authorities at the basic level not to organise end-of-term exams for the current academic year.

A circular issued by Deputy Director-General of the Service, Dr Kwabena Bempah Tandoh, indicated that all heads of schools should make sure that all pupils from KG to JHS are engaged in “recovery learning”.

“Headteachers and teachers are to use class exercises and class tests to assess students/pupils,” the Service said in a statement.

“Management further wishes to inform all District Directors and school heads that the existing arrangement for stationery use at the district offices, which is to be deducted from the schools’ capitation grant allocation, remains in force,” it further stated.

Kindergarten, primary and junior high school (JHS) pupils in both private and government schools resumed school on 15 January 2021, after schools were closed down in March last year, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Source: Classfmonline.com


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