Sylvester Mensah Says: Burning Of Seized Galamsey Excavators An Evidence Of Insufficient Thinking; Future NDC Gov’ts Won’t Do Same

Sylvester Mensah, former chief executive officer of the National Health Insurance Authority has shared his thoughts on the measures taken by government to deal with the galamsey issue that has engulfed the nation.

According to government, the machinery being used by these illegal miners are to be seized and burnt into ashes.

We have already witnessed several instances where excavators that could be used for the purpose of nation building were burnt.


Reacting to the issue through his Facebook page, Mr. Sylvester Mensah stated clearly that the burning of these excavators by government is a clear demonstration of an insufficient thinking process.

He argued that, “considering this nauseous Bawumia economy with its self-inflicted epileptic power supply, one would have thought that this government, having dispossessed galamsey owners of their equipment, would put them to alternative uses to develop our communities and generate value for the economy.”

According to him, “a future NDC Government would not burn seized galamsey excavators — clearly, it is a lazy and reckless mindset. Earth moving equipment can be put to many other important uses, in many communities in this country.”



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