Harriet Kafui Hiatsi, the 25-year-old lady, who was allegedly killed in Ho by her boyfriend in March 2021 has been laid to rest.
The funeral and burial ceremony was held on Wednesday, April 21, 2021.
It was a solemn atmosphere as mourners, particularly her peers could not hold back their tears as they filed past the brown casket which contained her remains.
Mourners and sympathizers who attended the burial service joined the bereaved relatives to demand justice for the deceased.
Reports indicate that Jay Dordorye, the boyfriend of the deceased, allegedly slit her throat and tried committing suicide by hanging after the incident.
The incident is said to have occurred at about 10:00 pm on Monday, March 22, 2021.
Mr. Dordorye is currently receiving treatment at the Volta Regional Hospital after he was arrested by the Ho Municipal Police command.
Speaking after the burial service, an uncle to the deceased, Bright Hiatsi, described the late Kafui as “a respectful lady, and called for swift investigations for the family to have closure in the case”.
Harriet Kafui Hiatsi, was allegedly killed by her boyfriend for reasons currently being investigated by the police.
Reports suggest there was a brawl between the two after the boyfriend had accused her of cheating.
Source: Citinewsroom
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