Home / GENERAL NEWS / We Should All Aspire To Be Good Citizens Of Our Country Ghana – Sir John Writes

We Should All Aspire To Be Good Citizens Of Our Country Ghana – Sir John Writes

Ashanti Regional NPP medical team member, John Kwame Duodu (Sir John) and a native of Atwima Nwabiagya Municipal Assembly in the Atwima Nwabiagya South Constituency, Ashanti Region in this article explained how together we can build our country Ghana and how to be a good Ghanaian.







Below is the full statement



We should all aspire to be good citizens of our country Ghana, our Motherland, our Pride, our Heritage and the world.

The concept of citizenship was born in the city-states of Ancient Greece, specifically, in Athens. At the time, Greek education was designed to instruct citizens in the values, intellectual frameworks, and habits of mind required to be free men. That is, to actively participate in the political system that shaped their lives and guaranteed their freedoms.

Today, being a citizen means that you’re part of a group and that you have legal and political rights within that group. It brings with it both privileges and obligations. I would argue that we each have a duty, or an obligation, to be good citizens. After all, a nation is only as healthy as its citizens.

Nonetheless, in modern times, people generally aren’t educated on how to be good citizens. Therefore, I asked myself the following questions: “What does it mean to be a good citizen?” and “How do you become a good citizen?” In this post, I’m going to share with you the answers that I came up with.




Below, you’ll find some ways to be a good citizen.

A good citizen is patriotic.

Patriotism is having and showing devotion to your country. It means having an attachment to certain national cultural values and showing critical loyalty to your nation. Some ways to show patriotism include the following:

Brush up on your country’s history.

Read up on social studies.

Obey the rule of law.

Pay your taxes.

Learn the national anthem.

Fly your country’s flag.

Don’t litter or engage in acts of vandalism that deface your environment.

Travel around your country and talk to your fellow citizens.

Cheer for your country’s team in sports events like Local Premier League, World Cup. (I’m looking at you now what are thinking anout).

At the same time, keep in mind that patriotism should not be confused with nationalism. Nationalism is thinking of your nation as being superior to others and worthy of dominance. Patriots are proud of their country, but they understand that other people are also rightly proud of theirs.

To the words of a church hymn written in 1934 by the American Lloyd Stone to the melody of Finlandia by the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius:
It goes like this lyrics

This is my song, Oh God of all the nations, a song of peace for lands afar and mine. This is my home, the country where my heart is;
here are my hopes, my dreams, my sacred shrine.
But other hearts in other lands are beating,

with hopes and dreams as true and high as mine.
A good citizen loves their country—a good citizen is a patriot.





Model the personal qualities of good citizens.
The personal qualities of a good citizen include the following:
Honesty entails telling the truth.

Integrity is being morally upright.

Take responsibility for yourself and your actions.

Respect: treat others as you would like to be treated. You can demonstrate this by volunteering and/or donating to charities.

Show compassion to your fellow citizens who are down on their luck.

Kindness: Be friendly.

Be tolerant of people of different races and religions.

Courtesy entails being considerate of others.

Self-Discipline: have self-control and cultivate the ability to follow through on what you say you’re going to do.

Moral courage entails standing up for what you believe to be wrong and defending those who are unable to defend themselves.

For the sake of justice, be fair and demand that others do the same.

Imagine what your country would be like if all its citizens strived to achieve these personal qualities. Start by adopting them yourself.

There are two ways in which you can develop the characteristics listed above. In Benjamin Franklin’s post on how to develop your character, he spoke about the thirteen virtues. He explained that at the age of twenty, he resolved to always do right and avoid wrongdoing. He planned to achieve this by creating a list of 13 virtues. He also created a plan for developing those virtues. I recommend you do something similar.

In addition, in his youth, George Washington captured 110 rules of civility and decency. They were rules for comporting oneself in a way that would be respectful of others and oneself. Look through the rules and come up with your own set of rules of behavior.




 Be a Contributing Member of Society.
A good citizen contributes to their nation by being productive. They’re productive employees, business owners, artists, public servants, caregivers, and so on. Good citizens share their skills, talents, and abilities with others. They make a positive contribution to their nation.






Get Involved in Your Community.
A good citizen is active in their community. They participate in the social life of their city or town, and they look for ways to make their communities a better place to live. That is, if they see a problem in their community, they look for ways to solve it.






Here are some ways to be active in your community:

Shop locally.

Attend community events—keep your eyes open for events that are happening in your area, such as festivals, community theatre, gallery openings, and so on.

Join a local club that’s devoted to an activity that interests you, such as running, cycling, or kayaking.

Here are some ways to better your community:

Participate in a community-driven cleanup project.

Help plant a community tree (Green Ghana)

Organize a campaign to raise money for new playground equipment.

Help out your neighbours.

Instead of being cooped up in your home glued to a technological device, get out there and become an active member of your community. It will make you a better citizen.





Keep yourself up to date.
Read to learn about the critical issues confronting your country. In 1761, John Adams implied that one of the reasons for emphasizing literacy is that it makes people better citizens. Look at the following quote:

“Every man has in politics, as well as religion, a right to think, speak and act for himself. I must judge for myself, but how can I judge, how can any man judge, unless his mind has been opened and enlarged by reading? ” If you’re asking yourself what you should read to stay well-informed, here are some suggestions: There are various news sources that cover local, national, and global news. Books on important world issues, Biographies of people who have helped shape the world and history books. Political science books such as Rawls’ A Theory of Justice, Plato’s The Republic, and Mill’s On Liberty.






Maintain vigilance.
A country depends on a well-informed and civic-minded population to safeguard its people’s freedoms and political rights. A good citizen remains vigilant to ascertain that the government is doing all of the following:

Meeting its obligations to its citizens, acting appropriately within its sphere and jurisdiction, and adhering to the limits of state action To do this, a citizen must have the basic skills necessary to be able to assess arguments logically and critically.

In addition, if a citizen believes that the government is overstepping its bounds or failing in its duties, the citizen must speak up. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, *”All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” Unquote







Participate in your nation’s political life.
If you want to be a good citizen, you should be politically active. There are many ways to do this. Here are some ideas:
Identify an issue you care about and pursue it.

Attend rallies and events.

Go to community council meetings.

Join a political organization like the New Patriotic Party

Volunteer for a political campaign.

Vote, Do your part to elect capable, civic-minded leaders like the NPP in all times.

Run for political office.
As a citizen, you have the right to have your voice heard. Exercise that right.

Serve as a mentor.
Today’s kids are tomorrow’s citizens. Help shape the citizens of the future by mentoring kids. Some ideas on ways you can mentor kids are the following:

Talk to your kids about civics and teach them to be good citizens, respect humanity and fear God.

Join a school-based mentoring program and tutor kids who aren’t doing well academically.

Get involved in an organisation’s legacy. A great legacy to leave your nation is to play a part in forming good citizens who will contribute to the nation’s well-being.

Be well-rounded.
The third point in this blog post indicates that a good citizen has to be productive. That is, they need to know the necessity to produce in today’s world — technical skills, legal skills, medical skills, and so on. However, a good citizen should also be well-rounded. A well-rounded person is better at creative problem solving and innovation than a person who is not well-rounded. In addition, they can make contributions not only to a country’s GDP but also to the cultural wealth of their nation.

Here are some of the qualities of a well-rounded person:

They’re well-read.
A well-rounded person is cultured. They’re well-educated. They develop not only their mental faculties, but also their emotional, physical, and spiritual faculties.

Order Your Corner of the World
Your home is a microcosm of your country. If you want to live in a clean, healthy, prosperous, happy nation, start by creating these circumstances at home. To bring the world back into order, we must first bring the nation back into order; to bring the family back into order, we must first bring the home back into order; to bring the family back into order, we must first cultivate our personal lives; we must first set our hearts right. “

Do things like the following:

Keep a clean and organized home environment.

Eat healthy meals.

Keep to a budget and don’t go into debt.

Pay your bills on time.

Don’t waste water or electricity.


Create a list of simple rules for your family to follow.

Set personal development goals and strive to achieve them.

Start small: create order at home. Good homes lead to good neighbourhoods, which lead to good cities, which lead to good states, which lead to good countries, which lead to a good world.

In Conclusion:
one, I am making an effort to be a good citizen of Atwima Nwabiagya South Constituency, Ashanti Region, Ghana and the world. How about you? Live your best life by being a good citizen. Let’s all live well and God is going to bless us all and prosper in 2022. Respect God and Humanity

Long Live Atwima Nwabiagya South Constituency
Long Live Ashanti Kingdom
Long Live New Patriotic (NPP)
Long Live Ghana








Ashanti Regional NPP medical team member, John Kwame Duodu (Sir John)
Ashanti Regional NPP medical team member, John Kwame Duodu (Sir John)










Source: MyGhanaMedia.com























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