Home / COMMUNITY WATCH / Henry Quartey Leads Soldiers To Pull Down All Private Properties On 200 Acres Of CSIR land

Henry Quartey Leads Soldiers To Pull Down All Private Properties On 200 Acres Of CSIR land

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Greater Accra Regional Minister Henry Quartey has said: “On Wednesday, 22nd June 2022, I led members of the Regional Security Council (REGSEC) to undertake a demolition exercise on 200 acres of fenced land belonging to the State under the care of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSRI)”.



In a post on Facebook, he said: “Out of the over 1,300 acres of CSIR land, over 900 acres have been encroached on, with the remaining 200 being sold out by unknown persons”.


Mr Quartey said: “I have urged occupants of the over 900 acres of land to get assistance from the Lands Commission to assist them get executive instruments, in other to be able to register their properties in their names since none of them has documents or permits after over 20 years of building”.



“I admonished the REGSEC team to demolish everything to ground zero, i.e. all existing and new spring-up buildings within the 200 acres of the fenced land should be demolished”, Mr Quartey added.


















Source:  class Fm Online





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